Wednesday, March 29, 2017

I'm back, Bitches

It's only been 5 years, right? Well I'm back with all my unfiltered bullshit ramblings, poor grammer, craptastic spelling problems, and excessive use of commas.

Out of respect for my husband I stopped blogging about this little life of ours because of his role in the Navy. Now he is on his way out in the next 18 months and this will have a profound effect on me and the family. So Im gonna blog about that.

Im gonna blog about my new found career. Im pretty fucking proud of myself so yeah.

My Dog. I love him. He does a lot of nothing around here but I talk about him a lot.

The kids continue to ruin my life and spoil all my best laid plans. So Im gonna blog about that.

My friends. Dem Bitches are my fucking SAVIORS. I love them to death. So I'll blog about them too.

My marriage. The Man-Beast and I will be married 15 years this year! Holy shit! I love that Man and all the ways he drives me up the Goddamned Wall.  Sacred grounds? Nope. Imma blog about that shit too.

My family. There's a lot going on with my Moms Alzheimers (Alz for way im going to remember how to spell that) and the impact it has on me, my sister, and my dad. Yep all cards on the table.

So. Since all cards are on the table, Im gonna talk about my Depression. My Anxiety. Many people knew I was hard to handle. But Why? I shared it with no one for YEARS.  DECADES.
 I have depression with Anxiety.  There it is in black and white. And Im gonna go there. ALL IN. Imgoing to blog about hitting rock bottom and bouncing back and how Im fighting to overcome it all.

So if anyone wants to join me in this new chapter in my life, come on in. Just don't get offended. I dont approve of punk ass bitches with a sissy stick up their ass. Pull on ur big girl panties and welcome to my Forties.

1 comment:

  1. Love love love and super excited for you that you are gonna use this as an outlet!!! You'd be amazed at how simular people's paths are when they share....looking forward to reading. P.S. I always have wine if you need an ear to chew. ������SETH'S MAMA #gotmybiggirlpantson
